Big Metal Unit
Big Metal Unit.jpg (1909 bytes)

Description: Found within a long forgotten pocket of our collected pantology, herein tales the lie of the Metal "Unit". Gargantua was self-proclaimed lord of his immeasurable lower regions until his son, Pantagruel, questioned the accuracy of the ruler. With his shortcomings exposed, great Gargantua lay prostrate upon the ground while Pantagruel sought to cover his cuirass in case his now governing body lost its sway. He was warned that the people would cut him no slacks, but he never listened, and had burned his britches behind him. Undaunted, he fulfilled his animus with the robes of his father, as uncomfortable as that might sound, and shaped the Metal "Unit" with his own hands.

The rule of Pantagruel was a discommoding morass, his armor eventually suffering a breach in the breech that proved his undoing. As his basket left the pantry, so to speak, his regime fell to insurrection, and so complete was the sacking that not even his Metal "Unit" could be found. The component pieces, a pantaloon triumvirate, were lost in the annals of time.

You now bear the awesome responsibility of the Metal "Unit". Gussets of wind, seams like reality, pockets of resistance, the seat of power, and legs as flared as your temper. Polish it well; the onus is now on you.

Location: Requiers 3 pantaloons, found in the Friendly Arm in BG1, Man buried Alive Quest (taking the ransom for Lady Elgea) in BG2, TOB- "The next stop of the protagonist in the quest to eliminate other Bhaalspawn could be the lair of Abazigal, and the dungeons beneath. There, three humourous and inexperienced adventurers could be met. While initially petrified, damaging the hovering eyes nearby them would cause a mage named Iycanth to appear, offer a quest to retrieve the missing eyestalk, and then suggest "subcontracting" the job to the inexperienced adventurers. They could be restored with a single Stone To Flesh scroll (though usually three would be required, one per creature) and given the quest. They would return after a six-day wait not only with the required eyestalk, but also a pair of Bronze Pantalettes, a set of metallic underwear that was the final component to the Enigma." An extract from Kevin Dorner's Baldurdash site. Kerrick the Smith who can be found in Amkerath can now forge the 3 pantaloons into 1 of 3 items; the Big Metal Unit being one of them.

Comment: THE BEST armour (AC -10)  in the game, absolutely rocks on a mage.

Item Code: SECRET05


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